
Meeting of the one-time specialized academic council of the Institute of Education Digitization of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine regarding the awarding of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy to Nataliia Ivanivna Vodopyan in the sp

On June 28, 2024, at 13:00, the one-time specialized academic council of the Institute of Education Digitization of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine held a defense of the dissertation by Nataliia Ivanivna Vodopyan titled "Methodology of Designing Cloud-Oriented Distance Learning Environment for Biology Teachers in Non-Formal Education Settings" for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the specialty 011 Educational Sciences.

30 June 2024

Meeting of the One-Time Specialized Academic Council of the Institute of Digitalization of Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine for the Award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy to Ivan Ivanovych Rantyuk in Specialty 011

On June 20, 2024, at 12.00, the one-time specialized academic council of the Institute of Digitalization of Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine held a defense of the dissertation work by Ivan Ivanovych Rantyuk titled "The Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Project Management in the Process of Informal Education of IT Company Specialists" for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Specialty 011 "Educational, Pedagogical Sciences."

23 June 2024

Specialized Academic Council D 26.459.01

(hereinafter the Institute of Educational Digitalization of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) has been functioning since 2010 with the Specialized Academic Council D 26.459.01 with the right to accept for consideration and conduct the defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (candidate) in the specialty 13.00.10 - information and communication technologies in education. The Specialized Academic Council currently includes 11 doctors of science who are leading scientists in the field of digitalization of education and science in Ukraine.

13 September 2023

Specialized Academic Council D 26.459.01

In the Specialized Academic Council D 26.459.01 of the Institute of Digitalization of Education during 2022-2023, three dissertations were accepted for consideration and successfully defended for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty 13.00.10 - information and communication technologies in education. New scientific results were obtained in the design of a modern cloud-oriented methodical system for improving the qualifications of teachers of natural and mathematical subjects for work in a scientific lyceum (Maya Marienko); developed not only theories, but also methodological principles of designing a web-based educational environment of the university (Yulia Romanyshyn); design, administration and use of a cloud-based learning environment for future computer science teachers (Vasyl Oleksyuk).

13 September 2023

Meeting of the specialized scientific council D 26.459.01

On July 11, 2023, at 2:00 p.m., at the meeting of the specialized academic council D 26.459.01 in the Institute of Digitalization of Education of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the defense took place of Oleksyuk Vasyl Petrovych's dissertation "Theoretical and methodological foundations of the design, administration and use of a cloud-oriented learning environment for future computer science teachers" took place scientific degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, specialty 13.00.10 - information and communication technologies in education.

12 July 2023

Meeting of the specialized scientific council D 26.459.01

On May 23, 2023, at 11:00 a.m., at the meeting of the specialized academic council D 26.459.01 at the Institute of Digitalization of Education of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Yuliia Liubomyrivna Romanyshyn defended her dissertation "Theoretical and methodological principles of designing a web-based educational environment" for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty 13.00.10 - information and communication technologies in education.

27 May 2023

Session of the Specialized Scientific Council D 26.459.01

On January 9, 2023, at 11:00 a.m. the defense of the dissertation work of Maryenko Maya Volodymyrivna "Designing a Cloud-oriented Methodical System for Improving the Qualifications of Teachers of Natural and Mathematical Subjects for Work in a Scientific Lyceum" for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences took place at the session of the Specialized Scientific Council of the Institute for Digitalization of Education NAES of Ukraine, specialty 13.00.10 - Information and Communication Technologies in Education.

16 January 2023

Comprehensive Exam in the speciality for graduate students of IDE of NAES of Ukraine

On May 26, 2022, a Comprehensive Exam for graduate students of the 2nd year of study in the speciality "011 Education sciences", specialization "Information and Communication Technologies in Education" was held in the Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine.
Due to the martial law in Ukraine, the exam was conducted remotely.
All graduate students successfully passed the exam.
Congratulations to our graduate students and we wish them further success in educational and scientific activities!

27 May 2022

Defense of dissertations

July 2, 2019. There were the defenses of the doctoral dissertation Hrytsenko V.G. «Theoretical and methodical bases of designing and implementation of information-analytical system of university management" for the doctor of pedagogical sciences degree, specialty 13.00.10 - Information and Communication Technology in Education and Holovnia O. S. «Methodology for using Unix-like operating systems virtualization technologies in training bachelors of Informatics» for the degree in pedagogical sciences (Philosophy Doctor), speciality 13.00.10 «Information and Communication Technologies in Education» at the session of Specialized Scientific Council D 26.459.01 in the Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAES of Ukraine.

2 July 2019

The session of Specialized Scientific Council D 26.459.01

January 29, 2019. There was a defense of the dissertations Kontsedaylo V.V. and Borysenko D. V. at the session of Specialized Scientific Council D 26.459.01. in the Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAES of Ukraine for the Degree in pedagogical sciences (Philosophy Doctor) on speciality 13.00.10 «Information and Communication Technologies in Education».

29 January 2019

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The National Research Fund of Ukraine Competitions

In December 2023, the Scientific Council of NRFU approved the terms of the competitions: "Research Infrastructures for Conducting Advanced Scientific Research", "Science for Strengthening the Defense Capability of Ukraine", "Advanced Science in Ukraine".
Project selection begins. The winners will receive grant support for conducting fundamental and practical scientific research for development of the national research space and its integration into the world research space.