Session of the Specialized Scientific Council D 26.459.01

Session of the Specialized Scientific Council D 26.459.01
On January 9, 2023, at 11:00 a.m. the defense of the dissertation work of Maryenko Maya Volodymyrivna "Designing a Cloud-oriented Methodical System for Improving the Qualifications of Teachers of Natural and Mathematical Subjects for Work in a Scientific Lyceum" for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences took place at the session of the Specialized Scientific Council of the Institute for Digitalization of Education NAES of Ukraine, specialty 13.00.10 - Information and Communication Technologies in Education.



Анонси та оголошення

All-Ukrainian Competition of Professional Pre-Graduate Education Institutions for the Best Website

he Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, together with the Scientific and Methodological Center of Higher and Professional Higher Education, announce the All-Ukrainian Competition of Professional
Pre-Graduate Education I
nstitutions for the Best Website
"EDUCATION WEBSITE 2024". Olha Pinchuk, deputy director of the Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the NAES of Ukraine, became a member of the competition commission. The competition is held once every four years. The start of the сompetition is October 1, 2024.

The National Research Fund of Ukraine Competitions

In December 2023, the Scientific Council of NRFU approved the terms of the competitions: "Research Infrastructures for Conducting Advanced Scientific Research", "Science for Strengthening the Defense Capability of Ukraine", "Advanced Science in Ukraine".
Project selection begins. The winners will receive grant support for conducting fundamental and practical scientific research for development of the national research space and its integration into the world research space.