Master class "Artificial intelligence - replenishing the digital toolbox of a modern teacher"

Master class "Artificial intelligence - replenishing the digital toolbox of a modern teacher"

On April 25, 2024, the employees of the Department of Cloud-Oriented Systems for Education Informatization at the Institute of Education Digitalization of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine organized and conducted a master class "Artificial intelligence - replenishing the digital toolbox of a modern teacher"

During the master class, Oleg Spirin, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, and Director of the Institute of Education Digitalization of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, welcomed all participants with an opening speech. Maria Shyshkina, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Head of the Department of Cloud-Oriented Systems for Education Informatization at the Institute of Education Digitalization of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, and leader of the research project "Designing and Using an Open Educational Environment with Elements of Artificial Intelligence for the Professional Development of Pedagogical Personnel," presented a report titled "Needs of Modern Teachers Regarding the Selection of AI Tools: Survey Results."

Maya Maryenko, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Researcher, leading researcher at the Department of Cloud-Oriented Systems for Education Informatization at the Institute of Education Digitalization of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, delivered a report titled "Selection of AI Tools in Teacher's Work" and conducted a practical exercise with the master class participants. Valentina Kovalenko, Social Pedagogue, Psychologist, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Researcher, leading researcher at the Department of Cloud-Oriented Systems for Education Informatization at the Institute of Education Digitalization of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, and leader of the research project "Using AI Services by Teachers in Teaching Natural Sciences and Mathematics in General Secondary Education Institutions," presented a report titled "How to Overcome Fear, Start Using, and Learn to Critically Select AI Tools for Teachers" and conducted a practical exercise with the master class participants.

This master class provided a valuable environment for educators to not only learn about the use of new AI tools but also to exchange experiences with colleagues regarding the use of AI tools in the educational process.

Over 450 participants actively participated in the discussions during the master class.

The organizers express immense gratitude to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, thanks to whom it is possible to organize and conduct such events!

The video of the event can be viewed at the following link:

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The National Research Fund of Ukraine Competitions

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Project selection begins. The winners will receive grant support for conducting fundamental and practical scientific research for development of the national research space and its integration into the world research space.