Immersive Technologies in Education

Immersive Technologies in Education

A collection of materials based on the results of the 3rd International scientific and practical conference with international participation "Immersive technologies in education" has been published.

The collection includes materials of presentations that were featured at the scientific and practical conference "Immersive Technologies in Education." The presentations delve into scientific and methodological aspects of the digitization of society and education, defining the essence and innovativeness of immersive technologies for educational development at all levels. They explore the aspects of using virtual and augmented reality in the educational practices of educators. Special attention is directed towards the modeling, designing, and utilization of educational environments through virtual and augmented reality technologies, along with an examination of the impact of virtual reality environments on the health, behavior, and cognitive activities of students. The presented materials can be utilized by scientists, educational and pedagogical professionals, graduate and doctoral students, as well as teachers in general education institutions.

You can download the collection of materials at the link:

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The National Research Fund of Ukraine Competitions

In December 2023, the Scientific Council of NRFU approved the terms of the competitions: "Research Infrastructures for Conducting Advanced Scientific Research", "Science for Strengthening the Defense Capability of Ukraine", "Advanced Science in Ukraine".
Project selection begins. The winners will receive grant support for conducting fundamental and practical scientific research for development of the national research space and its integration into the world research space.